Aside from its Biblical legend

 Aside from its Biblical legend, the documented story of the Menton lemon"s rise and fall began with its arrival from Spain in the 15th Century. The fruit quickly adapted to Menton"s temperate microclimate created by the unique combination of a protective mountain range and proximity to the ocean. By the end of the 18th Century, the region was estimated to produce one million lemons annually, said David Rousseau, director of Menton"s heritage department.


อ่านต่อได้ที่  :  โรงเรียนมัธยมวัดไทรราษฎร์อุปถัมภ์

สาระน่ารู้  :  Certina

ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ sky (sky-at-gmail-dot-com) :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2022-05-04 16:03:11

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