
 In a bid to attract new talent to the region, in March 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) unveiled a one-year residency permit for remote workers. The visa lets foreign professionals like Julien Tremblay, a 31-year-old software engineer from Montréal, live in Dubai while continuing to work for employers abroad. It also grants newcomers access to a resident ID card and most public services. Tremblay, for example, can legally rent accommodation or even open a bank account – all while being exempt from paying any local income tax.


อ่านต่อได้ที่  โรงเรียนวัดนทีคมเขต
สาระน่ารู้  ไส้



ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ talent :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2022-07-15 09:27:08

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